All I keep thinking about this month is "Oh my Gosh! Griffin is almost 6 Month's Old!" How is it possible? I have no clue. This little boy, let me tell you, he is just such a little character. He makes fun sounds, laughs, smiles every time you look at him, makes funny faces. He is literally the joy to our days! This month we have hit some MAJOR, umm...TWO TEETH!!! And do you want to know how I found out he had his first tooth?? B/c he bit my nose :-) The 2nd one came two weeks later. We've spent all month rolling around on the floor. He loves to roll from back to tummy...but is a little more stubborn about rolling from tummy to back. Which is what he's been doing for a couple of months now!! Grr...Boys!! He's been great about using his hands to pick things up. Of course, he's given himself a few bruisers b/c he automatically slams the toys up to his mouth to teethe on them and ends up hitting himself. Poor guy. Learning to sit has been fun for all. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa B. we have the puzzle piece tiles and a big comforter to break the fall of the toppling little boy when he gets too tired to sit up :-) All in all, the 5th month has been my favorite! We've spent so much time with family and friends. This move has definitely proven to be a great one! (Even though we still miss you San Diego!!)
Ok, so this video is HORRIBLE quality b/c it was dark in the living room and also, I had to start taping from a different view b/c once Griffin sees the camera he'll stop doing whatever it was that you were trying to get on tape!! Anyway, this happened a week or so before he turned 5 months old...and FINALLY he rolls from his tummy to his back :-)
I went in one morning to get Griffin b/c he was making his usual talking sounds. I think it was unusually dark outside, so I turned the lamp on and it took him a little while for his eyes to adjust!