I'm finding it harder and harder to find the time to update Griffin's blog! I think about it often, think about the things he's accomplished in the past few weeks that I want to share and write down...but alas!! The very "thing" I want to write about is the little booger that steals all my time away! Haha! Let me preface this post by saying..."I love my son, I love my son, I love my son." But HOLY COW!!!!!! He is 100% attached to my leg. At. All. TIMES! I know what you all are thinking, "enjoy this time...it doesn't last forever." Good! I'm glad it doesn't last forever! B/c my sweet, independent little soul of a son is NOWHERE to be found. As you all saw on FB, he took a few steps a couple of weeks ago. That's about the extent of it. I think, secretly, he knows how to walk. In fact, when we aren't looking I'm 99.9% sure that he hops onto his feet and struts around like a model on a catwalk (kiddie style). But if Bri and I are around, it's like his legs are made of cherry jello. (I say cherry, b/c they are so very edible in all of their chubby goodness). But he talks, well jib-jabs...but he can clearly say, "Mama, Dada, Gator, and Turtle." Not in that order, of course, but who's the one typing here ;-) So I am in full party planning mode. One years old in 2 weeks! I can't tell if I'm just using the "he only turns one once" excuse to justify the intense amount of stuff I have purchased for this party or if I just am channeling my energy as a diversion of my extreme sadness that the first year of his life has gone by! My mother was right (typical) when she said all those times, "stop wishing his life away!!" When I would tell her, "I just wish he would hold his head up, I just wish he would sit up on his own, etc." Well...now I wish I was sitting in Sharp Mary Birch's hospital room over looking some San Diego mountains holding my newborn. I am looking forward to his party next weekend! I'll be SHOCKED if I make it the day without shedding a tear. But Mom will be there, so fat chance that's going to happen! Be prepared...my "Griffin is ONE" post will probably be a giant "I remember when post" where I'll have a box of tissues next to the computer while I type. I finally get my Mother's waterworks!