Sunday, December 15, 2013

Holiday Happenings!

Just like October and November, December has been just as busy prepping for the holidays! We've managed to squeeze in a lot of fun activities and get togethers with friends between decorating and shopping for gifts! With the weather being awful this month, I've definitely utilized online shopping more than I ever have before. Thank you Amazon!

Anyways, we started the month off by putting the tree up!
Belly Alert!

 Bri was happy to have some decent help this year.

 No good job gets done without the head lamp.

 Griffin was pretty confident he could fix the light issue just by sticking his entire head into the tree.

 She's a pretty tree.

 He posed for this all on his own. Sure, I'll take what I can get.

 We have had a pretty bad case of cabin fever this month. The boys were sick half of November and into December. I swear, when one gets sick, the other gets sick and before you know it, an entire month has passed of just germs being worked back and forth between the two of them. Bleh. We had planned on the Newnan Christmas parade and when parade day came, OF COURSE it was raining. But thankfully it stopped about an hour before go time. We were all happy to be out of the house!

 Hangin' with sweet baby Callen!

 The Donovan Fam! Just some of our favorite peeps we have been lucky enough to meet since we've moved to Georgia!!

 Next on the "crazy things you should think twice about doing with your toddler"...baking cookies! This was actually really fun. Even though Griffin would've preferred to be elbows deep in the flour bin, he did pretty well stamping out the cookie shapes!

 We cut the cookies and baked them during the day, but waited for Bri to decorate. They did their decorating thing while I made dinner. I'm pretty sure Brady was hangin' in his high chair snacking on his very own sugar cookie. And yes, those are Fisher Price fake plastic knives from Griffin's grill set.

 "A little icing for the cookie...A little icing for me."

Their finished cookies! I don't think you can EVEN tell which ones are Brian's and which ones are Griffin's.

Sooo...about that cabin fever...turns out, cement pourers are like built-in babysitters! Patio is still in progress. I plan on doing a start-to-finish blog post as soon as the construction is done!

The W Fam is off to Lynchburg, Virginia for Christmas! Instead of packing in to one of our houses, Brian's family decided to rent a cabin big enough for all 12 of us!! Can't wait for all of the fun Christmas will bring for our family! Here's to you and yours having the best Christmas EVER! 

Merry Christmas!

10 Months Old!

How embarrassante that I am SO behind on the little B man's monthly post! It doesn't help that I am, for realz, jamming out to T Swift's "Trouble When You Walked In" while I type this. Never...ever ever...ever....did I think those words would be said.

Brady George turned 10 Months Old on November 23rd! He had a doctor's appointment the same week he turned 10 months old and he was 22 pounds and 30 inches long! But I was carrying him in the bjorn tonight and I know it has only been 3 weeks, but based on how my back felt when I frantically begged Brian to switch kids with me, he has gained AT LEAST 10 pounds since then.

You'll have to excuse this months set of pictures. Some how I managed to save picture time until after dinner and during the dreaded witching hour...aka the hour before bed time when your kids turn into tired mini-demons.

BG- 10 Month's Old!

 Remember...this was AFTER dinner and he totally got bathed this night...I think.

Griffin took his sticker.

Phew. The sticker was returned and as a bonus I got the little tub of baby vicks!

Which kept him happy all of 3 seconds.

A moment's peace.

 His thing this month. Pointing at everything and saying, "What's that?" Which to a normal person sounds a lot like "Wassaaat?" Either way, adorableness. 

BG is nowhere near walking yet. Which I would LOVE. But he seems pretty darn content just holding onto furniture, window sills, my legs, the toilet seat, etc etc to hold himself up. He refuses to let go and stand on his own. He thinks it's funny to flop over like a big ole blob of grape jelly. Best thing about being a 2nd time parent? Knowing that one day you are going to shut your eyes for half a second and the next thing you know, they are up and running on their own.

His vocabulary is....growing-ish. Like I mentioned above, he's more concerned with what things are than actually saying words. Or maybe it's just because he only knows how to say "What's that??" and chooses to stick with that. But he loves to wave his special little wave that looks like he's continuously waving at himself. He's really into the bin of all different shaped balls we have and loves to throw them and crawl after them at a rapid pace, over and over. The self-entertaining among children is amazing to watch.

Best new milestone of all? He likes to come at your face, mouth wide open, looking like he's going to eat your face off, but it's his way of giving you one big sloppy smootch. Definitely the perk of my little 10 month old.

Until next month!! (One short month away from my little guy being the big O-N-E! Sniff. Sniff.)

W-Fam Holiday Pictures!

Sigh...I had such a beautiful vision of my two (well...let's be honest...THREE) boys smiling perfectly at the camera in our brand new outfits that I hand-picked for them to take THE perfect family pictures. 

I even have the wall picked out where I imagined hanging some adorable canvases. So these pictures had to be, damn near, PERFECT! 

I chose a great photographer months ago and was really bummed the day pictures rolled around because the weather was crap. As the month of November and December usually are in Georgia. But somehow the prayers I sent up were answered, because the weather managed to clear just enough to keep the set time...which was precisely around sunset...and just around the time of freezing.

Problem #1- Brady's snotty nose. Even though the photographer insisted that she would edit it out if the snot were noticeable, Brian and I kept wiping with the ONE tissue we had.

Problem #2- Griffin complained the ENTIRE time that his stomach was hurting. So, being the "Super Mom" that I am, I kept Sshh-ing him and feeding him twizzlers and juice just to get him to crack a small smile. It took us about 5.7 seconds in the car, on the way home, for him to throw up the entire contents of his stomach...all over his carseat. Again, Mom of the Year Award should probably just skip past the Walsh household this year. 

Problem #3- The WIND! I wear my hair down maybe a half a day per year. Lip gloss + hair blowing everywhere + feeding my sick kid twizzlers + wiping snotty nose of baby = shit show. I was convinced this lady got ZERO good shots of our family. 

But...I guess that's why SHE is the professional. I present to you our holiday photos...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Seriously...Halloween with kids is almost TOO much fun. Friends, costumes, a fun neighborhood, booze...check, check, check, ANNNND check!

Our neighborhood gets into the spirit of Halloween. One house was SO decked this year! They had THE creepiest window decorations, bones spread out across the lawn, and this crazy looking black picket fence along their sidewalk. In fact, their decorations were so intriguing that earlier in the month, Griffin was riding his trike down the sidewalk, and he was so caught off guard by all the cool stuff to look at, he ran his trike right into that black picket fence. No permanent damage was done...I don't think.

It helps that we have a TON of kids, all ages, in our neighborhood. So on any given Halloween night, there are hundreds of families strolling up and down the sidewalks.

We are a friendly neighborhood...and allow outsiders in ;-) Like our best Georgia friends!! It wouldn't be Halloween without Griff's BFF, Wyatt and Brady's BFF, Callen :-)

Here are some pics from our Halloween 2013!

I managed to score this race car driver costume at a consignment sale a few months ago. I think I paid $6 for it. When I bought it, I thought, no way, no how is he going to keep a helmet on the night of Halloween, so Bri came up with the idea to get him one of those "redneck NASCAR baseball hats." Well, it just so happens that Bri was heading to a NASCAR race a few weeks after that idea came about. Yea...turns out the hat ended up costing almost 3 times the amount of the costume. Oh well!

Griff & Wyatt!

Check out the hair under that hat. He needed a haircut REAL BAD...but we decided to let it grow before Halloween, hoping it would give off the redneck mullet look.

Getting the little tiger ready for his first Halloween!


Baby Callen! His Mama was "walking him out" last Halloween...and here he is! Almost "1"!!

Brady chewing on a glow stick. Mom of the year.

These 2 are in perpetual motion when they are together. I'm shocked we captured a picture of them where there wasn't a blur.

Callen the little mouse...cutest get-up EVER!

Just a Mama, a baby tiger, and some booze...

It's like a rite of passage...getting his first (and only!) piece of candy. Our pediatrician lives down the street from us and I told her a little boy handed him a bag of gummy worms. She was like, No, No, Brady...I don't want to see you in my office tomorrow :-)

Pretty much owning this trick-or-treating thing :-)

Taking it all in!

It was unusually HOT for Halloween this year. Here I was, thinking I was a genius for buying, what appeared to be a "race car costume/ snow suit" and poor Griffin was sweating 15 minutes into trick-or treating. But clearly, collecting the loot was MUCH more important. 

Brady was a gem, as usual.

Can't wait to watch my two boys have a blast next year on Halloween!