Anyways, we started the month off by putting the tree up!
Belly Alert!
Bri was happy to have some decent help this year.
No good job gets done without the head lamp.
Griffin was pretty confident he could fix the light issue just by sticking his entire head into the tree.
She's a pretty tree.
He posed for this all on his own. Sure, I'll take what I can get.
We have had a pretty bad case of cabin fever this month. The boys were sick half of November and into December. I swear, when one gets sick, the other gets sick and before you know it, an entire month has passed of just germs being worked back and forth between the two of them. Bleh. We had planned on the Newnan Christmas parade and when parade day came, OF COURSE it was raining. But thankfully it stopped about an hour before go time. We were all happy to be out of the house!
Hangin' with sweet baby Callen!
The Donovan Fam! Just some of our favorite peeps we have been lucky enough to meet since we've moved to Georgia!!
Next on the "crazy things you should think twice about doing with your toddler"...baking cookies! This was actually really fun. Even though Griffin would've preferred to be elbows deep in the flour bin, he did pretty well stamping out the cookie shapes!
We cut the cookies and baked them during the day, but waited for Bri to decorate. They did their decorating thing while I made dinner. I'm pretty sure Brady was hangin' in his high chair snacking on his very own sugar cookie. And yes, those are Fisher Price fake plastic knives from Griffin's grill set.
"A little icing for the cookie...A little icing for me."
Their finished cookies! I don't think you can EVEN tell which ones are Brian's and which ones are Griffin's.
Sooo...about that cabin fever...turns out, cement pourers are like built-in babysitters! Patio is still in progress. I plan on doing a start-to-finish blog post as soon as the construction is done!
The W Fam is off to Lynchburg, Virginia for Christmas! Instead of packing in to one of our houses, Brian's family decided to rent a cabin big enough for all 12 of us!! Can't wait for all of the fun Christmas will bring for our family! Here's to you and yours having the best Christmas EVER!
Merry Christmas!