I know my biggest boy turned 2!!
I really wish I captured his expression on video while we were singing to him! He gets SUPER shy sometimes. For example, when he gets hurt or in trouble in front of anyone other than Bri and I, it's an immediate face plant into the side of my leg as if it will help him disappear. Anyways....we had a super fun fire truck (of course) party at the park. Lots of food and friends, also, the first perfect Spring day, made for a great 2nd Birthday. Two for two...*as Mama pats herself on the back*
Ok...so back to Brady...
2 Months Old
By 2 months old Brady was officially on an all formula diet...so his rapid chunkiness started around 8 weeks. He was still in 3 month clothes and was weighing in at about 12+ pounds. Around 10 weeks old I was checking on the monitor while he was napping and noticed that he was laying on his back. Which is fine, except that I laid him down on his tummy. That was my first HOLY SHIT BATMAN, things DEF move a lot faster with #2.
3 Months Old
^^^6 Month onesie^^^
Officially in 6 Month clothes...thank goodness. B/c all of Brady's 3 Month clothes were long-sleeved and the Georgia heat was rapidly approaching! B-rad is about 15 lbs and may have stronger abs than I do. All he wants to do is sit up. His poor head is holding him back though. He has decent head control...but I wouldn't trust him to not smash his face into the table if he were sitting on my lap at the dinner table. Piggy eats about 6oz every 3 hours! And...wait for it...HE SLEEPS THRU THE NIGHT!
4 Months Old
^^^ Soak it up sweet friends. Life's greatest blessings right here <3 ^^^
So I sped thru the last few months...hopefully he won't notice when he's totally dis- interested in this blog in 20 years. B is almost 18 pounds!!! This little boy right here is the light of our lives...except at 4 am. 4 am, you ask?? Yes...he's decided that sleeping thru the night is overrated and to throw an early morning party everyday. It's the pits. Sleep training starts next week. Hopefully he doesn't try and coo at me...or smile...b/c I'll just end up giving in.