Saturday, June 29, 2013

Zoo Atlanta ~ The Place To Go NOT To See Any Animals

I'm just kidding about the title of this post...kindof. The Thaler Fam invited us to tag along with them to the zoo today and we, of course, said yes. So we packed up our entire house and headed up to Atlanta for the morning.

Side note: In the car, Bri decides to tell me that he taught Griffin what a tiger says. I'm thinking, "Okayyyy...I'm 150% sure that he already knows what a tiger says....and that is Roar!" Obviously I was completely incorrect. According to Bri, tigers DO NOT say Roar!...they say "Reeear!" (I just sat here for 5 minutes trying to come up with the phonetic spelling of the tiger sound Bri made...that's the best I could do). And not only did Bri teach Griffin, Reeear! He also taught him this "tiger" hand gesture that looks like a tiger pawing at something. Anyways, the point of my story...when Griffin is asked the question, "What sound does a tiger make?" he looks and sounds like a gay house cat pawing it's way out of a screen door. It's hilarious.

Ok...back to the title of this post. It was a total bummer when we got to the zoo because most of the animals weren't outside. Not that I blame them, the humidity in Georgia in the summertime makes going outside one of my LEAST favorite things to do. Which is unfortunate for Griffin, because apparently temperature doesn't affect him and being outside is his MOST favorite thing to do.

Ella smiling as usual. Griffin not usual.

Finally! A small shot of the tooth!

Adorableness all around.

Look at their little arms crossed over each other. Sigh.

This was about the time that Bri got mad that there were no animals out and decided that the appropriate sentence to say, while his 2 year old child was riding on his shoulders, was "this is bull$%^&." Which Griffin, obviously, repeated immediately.

love, love, love.

Ha. Griffin cooperating, as usual.

I wonder when our family pictures will EVER be normal again.

Cutie pies.

Choo Choo Train obsessed.

Arranged marriage!

Throwback Post!

Today I realized...for the millionth time...that I am obsessed with my besties adorable daughter. And I'm even more obsessed with the arranged marriage we have planned for her and Griffin. 

I feel like getting preggo with Griffin a few months after one of my best friends got preggo with her daughter, Ella, was God's way of looking out for me. To have one of the people you are closest to in life go thru the same weirdness of pregnancy, new mom-hood, 1st birthday parties, toddler tantrums, etc SUCH a blessing. Knucks to the man upstairs.

ANYWAYS... as we were strolling Zoo Atlanta and watching our hubby's take care of our kids chit chatting today, I mentally came up with the idea to do a blog post about the 2 of them. I'm pretty sure I have endless pics of the 2 of them together...and a few in the same spots, just a year later!

So enjoy two of my favorite 2 year olds. Can't WAIT for their wedding!

June 2011

June 2011

June 2011

October 2011

October 2011

October 2011

October 2012

October 2012

June 2012

June 2013

June 2013

June 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

5 Months!

Heyyyy you little 5 Month Old!

This chunk-a-lunk weighs in at 19.8 pounds and is 26.5 inches long!

Brady has been super busy this month with all this roley-poley, teeth growing, food eating business that he's been doing.  

We started the month off by packing away the 6 month clothes and bringing down the 9 month bin from the attic. It felt rather light. Sure enough, it had about 5 pairs of pants, 8 onesies, and a sweatshirt. It appears that Griffin spent a lot of time naked during his 9 month, clothes wearing, phase. Lucky for me, I just happened to be face timing with Grandma while I realized the shortage of all know where this is going. What do ya know??? A Carter's package filled with some new 9 month goodies showed up on our doorstep less than a week later (Thanks Grandma!) Then, Nana had a Kohl's coupon that she just HAD to spend (Thanks Nana!) point of the story being...B-rad is lookin' handsome these days in all of his new threads. Spoiled, but handsome :-)

We started Brady on food during month 4. The AAP came out with a new study that babies shouldn't have solids (purees) until 6 months, something that has literally changed just since Griffin was born. SOAPBOX MOMENT: I really didn't like or agree with the new recommendations. I'd go into a longer explanation as to why I don't agree, but you probably don't care. I'll just leave it with my short opinion. I am a firm believer that 99% of obesity issues come from family genetics. I think it is incorrect that formula fed babies and early introduction to solids result in child obesity. My 2 year old is living proof of that. End of soapbox moment. I'm going to indulge you all in my very own food blog post soon...I know you all are on the edge of your seats for that one.

Speaking of food...Brady is damn near ready to eat his first steak! Two teeth broke thru last month and the doc thinks it isn't long before he has 2 more! Bless his little heart (Oh Lord, that statement just made me a true Georgian), he hasn't really let the teeth affect his little personality! 

We're working on sitting on our own. We like to play this completely safe, but hilarious game, called TIMBERRRR! It goes a little something like this...

Oooh...look! My feets.

Annnd I'm falling.


We have long days together. We have to find humor in just about everything. Or else the Pineapple Jack Rum would make it's appearance way too early in the day...

I'd be a horrible Mom if I didn't mention the other little human living in the house!

Cute, right? This is why I can't pay money for professional pictures. 

Want to know what this is? This is Griffin...throwing a tantrum...about having to take a picture. 

I have BIG plans for a blog post about our bi-polar 2 year old. I actually engaged myself in a 10 minute long argument with him last week over...wait for it....yogurt. It was an early rum kinda day...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Father's Day Photo Shoot

WARNING: This is a major obnoxious photo post!

So I decided to do a mini-photo shoot of the boys in their Padres gear as a gift for Bri for Father's Day. And when I say Padres gear...I meant that I managed to somehow fit a 3-6 month jersey on Griffin and a 0-3 month creeper on Brady. Let's just call it determination, shall we? I took about 60 pictures and managed to get 3 really good ones to put in a frame for Bri. I did add the ones that made the frame. But mostly I wanted to post the ones that didn't make the cut....for obvious reasons...

This one made the frame...who doesn't love that little swirl he's workin' with??

This one also made the cut. And just in case you were wondering, I cropped out the diaper trying to bust thru his outfit. 

Can't. Get. Enough.

Mom...he's trying to kiss me...

Ha. I literally just die over B-rad's creepy grin.

This would be Griffin yelling whatever word I'm yelling at them trying to get them to smile. 

Annnnd to match Brady's creepy grin...are Griffin's creepy eyes.

Obviously this one made the cut. A perfect toddler smile paired with a baby double-chin. Win-win.

Mom...He's trying to kiss me again.


And we're nearing the end of Griffin's patience. 

He's 2 and he's mastered the eye-roll already. We're screwed.

Please stay, blue eyes. Please stay.

I'm not much of a fan of baseball. But baseball outfits? That I can work with.

Yea...I know. 

I'm 99.999% sure that this outfit is supposed to be long pants.

Ok...last one. I know, you could just look at them all day, couldn't you? Oh wait...that's probably just me.

On a more serious note...we had a fantastic Father's Day weekend. Brian deserves everything and more for the Dad he is to our boys. He truly is the glue the holds this family together! We love you!

I couldn't end this post without some flashback pictures...
Bri and Griffin~ 1 day old
B & B...And the anesthesiologist reading his trashy mag in the back.