How to entertain a baby on a 4 hour drive?? Feed him!! For those Mama's who are giving their babies purees, you may know "Ella's Foods" that come in the pouches! Griffin is obsessed with them!! Especially the organic Sweet Potatoes, Bluberries, and Apple mixture. Yum Yum! I just thought it was cute how he kept opening his mouth for more. He doesn't usually do that :-)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I LOVE my Mobile!
Since we have moved, Griffin FINALLY has his own room, complete with his own crib AND awesome mobile...which he loves. At first, he could stare at that thing for an hour. Now, he still stares at it...while trying to grab the turtles. We are enjoying these little moments :-)
1st time Eating Apples!
Apples are my FAVE!! Now Mommy makes them herself...with a touch of cinnamon. YUM!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Beach Week!
Every year for my birthday we spend a week in Daytona Beach at our time share. I was especially looking forward to this year b/c we had Griffin to enjoy it with. As you all saw from my Florida pics, we wasted no time getting Griffin into the pool and the ocean. This week was no exception! In fact, on one of the days we were there, we took the tailgate tent down to the beach with food, drinks, toys, and of course, bottles!! Griffin ended up taking over a 2 hour nap on a blanket in the sand. I think we have a little beach babe on our hands :-)
Bye-Bye San Diego!
So the last days leading up to us leaving San Diego were a little bittersweet! We were trying to hit all of our favorite places, like, The Midway, Cafe Coyote, Phil's BBQ, and Mission Beach before leaving. It's hard to believe that we spent almost 2 years in San Diego and we up and left in less than a month. We grew to love our little shoe box apartment (and by we, I mean Bri). San Diego was our first home as a married couple and we took advantage of the awesomeness of the city! We went hiking on Mt. San Jacinto, skiing in Big Bear, wine tasting in Napa (thanks to the family living there), Chargers games, Padres games, Skydiving, the list is really endless. We can forever talk about how nice the weather is and how many fun things there is to do, but when it all comes down to it, the people we met and became friends with is what I will miss the most. Most of you know that I left Florida, kicking and screaming, but our San Diego "family" made me truly love living out there. So to all of you, thank you. Thank you for making me (the stubborn one) open my eyes to the beautiful city of San Diego. I can honestly say that IF we ever have to move back there...I will gladly accept it...with a smile :-) So here is a little tribute to our time in San Diego. (The slide show is in order :-))
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
4th of July!
Kori, Caleb (3) and Cayden (7 months)

So I forgot my 4th of July post!! This was one of our last weekends in San Diego. We spent the 4th at Kori's house! This is always an important holiday for us. Kori's hubby is a Marine and is currently deployed. We had a great time with great people. Good food! Good Drinks!
Griffin Andrew~4 Months Old!
The usual aftermath of a feeding!
Look how BIG my feets are!!!

I never thought 4 months old could be SO exciting! First of all, being that Griffin is SO big, I was ridiculously excited to start him on baby food. He turned 16 weeks when we were on our family vacay in Daytona Beach and I had to wait until Brian arrived (he came late b/c he was driving our moving truck across country :-/) Anyhoo...Griffin, like I thought he would, took to food pretty fast. I mean, he literally would stare Bri and I down when we would eat our I knew it was time! Griffin also goes to sleep every night on his tummy...and wakes up on his back. So, the rolling over is happening, we are just missing it on camera :-( Bri has seen him roll over 3 times. Of course, the stay at home Mom hasn't seen it once!!! Maybe I'll have that video by next month. Hehe. He is loving exploring his new toys on his exersaucer and jumper seat. I thought it took him awhile to put weight on his legs, but sure enough, he can do it! Also, a big achievement, holding toys!! I'm sure that seems silly to all you professional Moms out there, haha. But I tell you what, being able to hand him a toy in his carseat and not having to pick it up as soon as it's in his hands is amazing!! Here are some pics...Happy 4 Months sweet little boy!!
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