The usual aftermath of a feeding!
Look how BIG my feets are!!!

I never thought 4 months old could be SO exciting! First of all, being that Griffin is SO big, I was ridiculously excited to start him on baby food. He turned 16 weeks when we were on our family vacay in Daytona Beach and I had to wait until Brian arrived (he came late b/c he was driving our moving truck across country :-/) Anyhoo...Griffin, like I thought he would, took to food pretty fast. I mean, he literally would stare Bri and I down when we would eat our I knew it was time! Griffin also goes to sleep every night on his tummy...and wakes up on his back. So, the rolling over is happening, we are just missing it on camera :-( Bri has seen him roll over 3 times. Of course, the stay at home Mom hasn't seen it once!!! Maybe I'll have that video by next month. Hehe. He is loving exploring his new toys on his exersaucer and jumper seat. I thought it took him awhile to put weight on his legs, but sure enough, he can do it! Also, a big achievement, holding toys!! I'm sure that seems silly to all you professional Moms out there, haha. But I tell you what, being able to hand him a toy in his carseat and not having to pick it up as soon as it's in his hands is amazing!! Here are some pics...Happy 4 Months sweet little boy!!
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