Griffin turned 10 Months Old on January 30th!! I'm a little late on this post and there is SO much to update on! We have quite the mover on our hands. He is everywhere and into everything! We have been practicing everyday and gearing up for the day he takes his 1st steps....which have not happened yet. But that's okay. I'm sure I'll regret wishing that he was a walker if I say it out loud! Haha! His favorite thing to do is touch everything that he's not supposed to touch! He also loves to get into things he's not supposed to and when we notice that he's into something, we say his name loud and he likes to crawl away from us as fast as he possibly can....which is faster than one would think. He started whole milk about 2 weeks ago. We've been weaning and today is the 1st official day that he hasn't had any formula. He was becoming really disinterested in formula, so we talked to his Pediatirician about it and she gave us the go ahead to start weaning. Now we have to work whole milk into our new schedule! Something I'm still trying to figure out! Everyday is something new! He's pretty much off of all baby food. He's loving Boca burgers, which is something I never thought a baby would like! He's a pro at pointing things out. He can point to Mama, Dada, Mickey Mouse, Gator....and HE'S FINALLY SAYING MAMA!! It's the worlds greatest sound :-) I'm going to try to be better about videos, even though I post a few here and there on Facebook. Hope this finds you and your family well!!
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