Thursday, April 21, 2016

Being An 'All Boy' Mom

Prologue (because I like to pretend I'm a real author): I've decided to start up our blog again. Any of you that have followed the last 5 years, know that I try and do monthly updates of the "current baby" in the house, during our 1st year of survival together ;-) So, being that Brady is 3 already, it's been approximately an eternity since I've written a post. 

Let's rewind life, about 3 months ago, before I officially found out I was going to be the Mom of, yet another, little boy. Prior to the ultrasound, naturally, I did hear many of the same comments from both, those near and dear, and also complete strangers:

"Are you hoping for this one to be a girl?"

"I hope you get your girl this time!"

"Are you going to be SO excited if this one is a girl?"

"I'm praying for pink for you!!"

Now, as a Mom of 2 boys, already, I have read a TON of blogs and articles written by Mom's who only have sons and they have made me laugh, and cry, and feel every emotion in between. Because when it's written by someone who's "been there, done that," you just nod your head and say, "Yes! So true!" Over and over. I will say, the above questions/comments NEVER bother(ed) me. Mostly because I know everyone means their absolute best. People genuinely want to share in the excitement of your news. And just knowing that makes me smile. But I will say, there is one comment that I have heard that does hit a soft spot. And it goes a little something like this:

"You need a girl!"

It's a little bit of a dagger to the heart. So, I'm hear to explain to you, exactly why I don't "need" a girl. 

On June 17th (my scheduled csection date for this little guy), I will go in for my pre-op at 10:30AM. The nurse will come in and start the usual prep for my surgery and will begin a series of questions. One of those questions will be,"What number pregnancy is this for you?" 

And my answer will be, "This is my 6th pregnancy." 

January 6th, 2011
December 28th, 2012
August 22, 2015

The dates above were the approximate due dates of three pregnancies that weren't meant to be for us. I remember those dates, simply because I was their Mom, not because I dwell on them. 

But you see, when it comes to the gender of my children, I will take a perfectly written quote from another incredibly smart blogging Mom ;-) and say this, "I care more about the success of this baby, than the sex of this baby." And by success, I mean, making it to full term with a healthy heartbeat, 10 fingers, 10 toes, ridiculously handsome, a lefty throwing know, all the necessities. I don't need a girl. I need water and food and oxygen and for my kids to be happy. 

My wants in life have changed. I don't want bows and princess dresses and prom gowns. I want muddy knees and dirty cleats and one day...

A Mother-Son dance with each of my handsome boys. 


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