Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Anything to keep him on schedule!!!

Since Griffin has turned 6 weeks old we have really been trying to keep him on a 3 hour feeding schedule. Well...when the 7 o'clock hour hits he starts to have mini-meltdowns b/c he's hungry AND tired. So how do we keep him happy? We do what every smart parent does...we turn on inappropriate rap music and have Daddy dance in front of him. Hey, if it works, right?

Bath Time :-)

Griffin is in LOVE with bath time! He can literally be starving, have a poopy diaper, it be 2 hours past his bed time...and nothing will calm him down more than the bath! He's definitely our little water baby! Definitely going to get him into baby swim lessons!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Working Hard for a Smile!!

Griffin is a serious little dude...so getting him to smile has been tough! He pretty much has to have a full tummy and a clean diaper to get even an itty bitty grin...but it's not for lack of effort (or me sounding silly on camera) on my part!

Visiting with Emma and Easton

I went to Tennessee in April to visit for Easton's 1st Birthday. Here is a video of Emma lovin' up on Griffin and Easton...just being Easton!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cousin Look Alikes?

Is it just me or do the little boy cousins look alike?? Griffin and Easton both at 2 weeks old :-)

Newborn-4 weeks

We have been enjoying everyday with Griffin! He seems to be growing like a weed and we can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by. We spend our days playing in his vibrating chair, laying underneath his play mat, and taking long naps in his boppy pillow...and eating...LOTS of eating!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Meeting Mom for the first time :-)

After a long labor process, I was a little relieved when the decision to have C-Section was made! I felt confident and comfortable with my team of nurses and my doctor was fantastic. The moment that Griffin was born was not lacking a single bit of emotion and the second I saw him was something I will never forget, but it still took over an hour until I was able to hold my little boy. Brian, already taking on his role as "Dad," was there with the Flip Video to capture the moment that I held him for the first time. And for that I am forever grateful!

Griffin Andrew Walsh has Arrived!

After 10 hours of contractions, another 12 hours of labor, 2 1/2 hours of pushing....

Griffin Andrew arrived by C-Section on March 30, 2011 at 3:03pm :-)

He officially out-weighed all of his cousins at 9lb 12oz and was 21.5 inches long!

Griffin's Blog

Since a few close friends have started blogs for their own little one's, we thought it would be fun to start one for Griffin! As most of you know, I post plenty of updated pictures of Griffin on Facebook, but I thought this would be a fun place to post more personal pictures and videos :-) We hope you enjoy!
