Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Day!

After growing up in Florida and living in San Diego, never did I think I would move somewhere that had actual snow days. When Tuesday rolled around and word got around that we were expecting snow, my first thought was, "yeah right." But sadly, I think a lot of Atlanta and the surrounding areas had the same thought. Turns out...over the course of the day Tuesday, we ended up with over 3 inches of snow. I was telling a couple of friends of mine, as I watched the snow falling down in sheets from inside my warm house, that I was thankful to be home with my kids and not shuffling around a classroom full of 3rd graders on a day like today! There were thousands upon thousands of people stranded on the highways of Atlanta for 10+ hours at a time. I am truly thankful that Brian, who worked all day Tuesday, made it home safely.

The entire neighborhood was home on Wednesday! I have said many times how much fun our neighborhood is with all of the families and kids of all different ages! We decided to bundle up the kids and go to the park, cookie sheet in hand, for some good old fashioned sledding :-)

Here are some pics from our snow day!

 The neighbor's sledding down the road :-)

 And this is what happens when your older brother throws a snowball at your face...

 Thanks, Mandi...for the GREAT picture idea :-)

One thing I have learned from being trapped inside because of snow is that I would probably be okay with doing this maybe one day a year :-) 

"Arrrgh Am One"

I had to laugh at the title I chose for this post. That was the same thing Brady's high chair banner said at his party and I showed it to Mom when I was going thru the decorations and she did. not. get. it. I was like, "Mom...Arrrgh Am Pirate talk for I AM ONE." She was like, "Uh huh...sure."

Besides the lost in translation of pirate talk, the party was a hit! Lots of friends and family here to celebrate our little man's big day! 


 This happened...

Outfit #1 :-)

 Outfit #2 complete with some of the contents of the goody bags! Bandanas and eyepatches :-)


Our One Year Old

Both boys are napping. So the house is peaceful...minus the toy room. That place is and will always be a hot mess. I used to clean it up during every nap time and at night when the boys went to bed. But I find myself, more and more, realizing that there are so many trashy TV shows to watch more important things to get done.

But I've decided to sit at the computer today. And just as I sat down, before I moved the mouse to light up the screen, my eyes brimmed with tears at the thought that Brady has finally reached that ripe 'ol age of ONE. And it's not "boo-hoo" sad tears. Well, maybe it is a little. But it DOES make me realize that if every year passes by as fast as this one did, that both of my boys are going to be moving out and going to college in like a day and a half...and THAT makes me sad.

To my littlest dude,

I wrote your big brother a letter when he turned one, and even though this year was a complete blur, large in part to you (in a very GOOD way), I have tried my Mommy best-est to snap as many pictures, take as many videos, AND keep the same traditions, as I have done with Griffin...regardless of how busy I am with the two of you...or how utterly exhausted I am.

So as I am writing this, I am just wondering...

How did we go from this...

To this...

In less than 5 seconds?

You have been a dream since the day we brought you home. I've told just about anyone who cares to listen how much MORE patience I have had with you than I ever did with your brother. Maybe I am all the wiser since becoming a Mom of two. I know how quickly this time passes...I know that newborns only make the funny "cross-eyed" look for a week or so, so I got plenty of those pictures tucked away for the future. I've been missing picking up your tiny little body and seeing your tushy stick out for almost 10 months already. And even though putting you to bed, wide awake and leaving the room without you crying, is every NEW Mom's goal for their own child, I miss the nights of rocking you to sleep, seeing you totally milk drunk, with your mouth wide open...drooling on my shoulder.

Even though I miss all of those "new baby" things about you, the one year old version of yourself is pretty awesome. I am borderline obsessed with the giant gap in between your two front teeth that makes your smile even more to die for. Scrunchy, smiley faces? Yes, please! Your dance moves...can't wait to see those bad boys when you are standing on your own two feet. The way you blow kisses. The way you nestle in the crook of the neck of whoever is holding you when they ask, "Brady, hug?" The way you say "Ump-pa" for your Grandpa...even though you call me "Baba." Which, by the way, is nowhere near "Mama." You'll get there. I hope. The way you give your Daddy SUCH grief when he leaves every morning for work. As if he is just RUDE for not staying and playing with you all day. The moments stolen away between you and Griffin. Like the two of you already have knapsacks full of secrets between each other that Daddy and I are too old to understand. 

You, my sweet little man, have been the perfect addition to this family. I can't wait to see how much more fun we have together, watching you grow! Happy First Birthday, Brady!

Mama...aka Baba.

So here they are! The last of the "monthly pictures" :-) 
12 Months Old! Wearing Christmas jammies in late January.

Big Bro has also gone from this...

To this :-)

I have virtually fallen IN LOVE with a blog called "Enjoying The Small Things," written by Kelle Hampton. She is a wonderful writer, takes beautiful pictures, and has 3 adorable kiddos. She posted a picture of her youngest, her one and only boy, on Instagram a few months back with this caption...

"Third child. Go with the flow. Seamlessly blends in with surroundings. Doesn't ask for much which could easily allow for attention to go to other places that demand it. A little dollop of love goes a long way with him--a smile, a kiss, picking him up for a quick hug. It electrifies him. I never want to take advantage of how little he demands of our attention. So lots of kisses to this smooshy boy."

It made me smile. To think of other little boys out there...just stealing their Mama's hearts the way Brady has stolen mine.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Only one month left...

Sigh...I really can't believe how fast this year has flown by. I could probably shed a tear or two knowing that there is just one tie left in the "Buddha Bellies" Etsy package that came from a sweet friend at my baby shower.

But alas, here is Brady at 11 Months Old...All 22 pounds of him!

 I went to the chiropractor the other day and my right side was an entire inch off from my left side. I have Brady to thank for that. The child who forever wants to be held. He's going to be 13 and I'm still going to be hoisting him up on my hip. goes without saying that Brady isn't walking yet. He actually doesn't even let go and stand on his own yet. I know it's only been about 2 years since Griffin started walking, but, for the life of me, I can't remember how and when it started, so essentially I feel like a new Mom all over again. But Griffin DOES walk (thank goodness) so I know it'll happen when he's ready!

Side Note: My favorite thing is when people try and be nice and say, "Well, look at his chunky little self!" Like THAT has everything to do with him NOT walking. I wish I could be like, hello?? My kids legs don't have a maximum weight limit of like 16 pounds...they're built to hold all that chunk. All the way up to his chubby little cheeks...have you seen his thighs? They consist of half his body weight.

I am probably EXTRA sensitive about the whole walking thing because he does want to be held all of the time, which makes being a stay at home Mom REALLY un-fun. He's aware he isn't walking, yet he's over the whole crawling thing. lazy.

We're about to make the transition to 18 month clothes soon! Since crawling, he's thinned out, but he's getting taller by the day. 

I'm slowly starting to cut out formula to make the big transition to regular milk. He's been taking itty bitty sips of cows milk for a couple of months now because he always manages to get his hands on Griffin's sippy cups (oops!) and he REALLY likes the stuff! So, for now, he gets a small sippy of milk with meals and over the next few weeks I'll start weaning him off of the 4 formula bottles he takes during the day. 

He talks up a storm! His vocabulary is definitely growing. Brian had to work for two days during the holidays and he said that just in the 48-ish hours that he was gone he could tell that Brady was talking more and more. I'm loving that he understands a lot of what we are saying now. I am starting to see the transition from the little baby he used to be!

I can't believe we are nearing the big ONE! Maybe he'll be walking next month??? For my back's sake...let's hope we've made some strides!